Privacy Policy

ACIIA is very aware that you are very concerned about the possibility of your personal information being used and distributed to irresponsible parties. We greatly appreciate your trust that we will do it carefully and thoroughly. ACIIA is committed to protecting any of your personal information from manipulation, loss, counterfeiting or unauthorized access, for irresponsible purposes. ACIIA will not disseminate, disclose, including providing your personal information to other parties, except to parties appointed by ACIIA for your interests and with your consent.


Please read this notice carefully before using this app. By opening and visiting this app, you have agreed to all Terms and Conditions that apply in this app. ACIIA has the right to make changes from time to time, to replace including removing services, services, and information and the Terms and Conditions of this Privacy Policy, without prior notice. ACIIA recommends that you regularly visit this app to find out about changes to the Terms and Conditions that apply.


This ACIIA App is one to promote ACIIA events. All trademarks, service marks, trade names, logos and icons that appear on this app are fully owned by ACIIA, and if there are irregularities and their use without permission is against the law. ACIIA can not guarantee or ensure the accuracy, completeness or adequacy of information and material from this app.

Upload and Sharing

ACIIA App is one to promote ACIIA events. In this application there is a function to upload photos and share photos All documentation that has been uploaded into the application will become the property of ACIIA and ACIIA has the right to disseminate information related to it.


The security and confidentiality of internet usage is not possible at the moment. There is no liability whatsoever imposed on ACIIA if there are errors or deficiencies or losses caused by this app.